When technology meets clothes
Hardwear aims to redefine wear
have a glimpse to the future
Téo, CTO.
We programmed an app to connect to your raspberry pi
play, download, upload videos via bluetooth, wifi and
an FTP server.
The app is in React Native
If the raspberry pi doesn't recognize the video, the phone
uploads it at first using wifi and FTP
If it's a new phone, the app will download the videos
The screen is a bendable 2k resolution OLED screen
using usb-c and mini hdmi.
Choose a video ->
Using linux services and python,
the messages are handled
here to play videos download,
PwdManager is a password manager using FaceID to first,
access the app, then second to access any password.
The sensitive data is securely stored using Apple's Keychain
encrypting and storing locally.
You can create, generate, search new username/password pairs.
The idea is to have your password out of a cloud system for
security reasons.
The app is written in swift, using Xcode.
In hope of creating a trading bot in bitcoin with the smallest of profit, I have done a lot of research and drawn a lot of graphs using python.
Using Binance's API and Google's searches and trends data, I had a lot of data from present and past to play with.
Now, drawing a lot of graphs with dozens of different data crossing equations and comparing graphs between them and with the current and old bitcoin graph
I had hope in finding myself a pattern, yet was unsuccesfull.
Nevertheless, I learned a lot about data and python and also learned about trading and basic economy (current and past).
In the university of Paris I mostly learned low level programming
such as Assembly and just overall how processors work, how memory managment works.
I also learned about how operating system interact with the hardware
and the different techniques to optimise the managment of all the tasks the
different parts of the hardware.
I learned basic unity game development and C#.
And very minor stuff about coding.